Free Printable Letter To Santa Template Word

Do you want to know what really makes Santa Claus laugh? It’s all the hilarious letters he receives from kids all around the world! And let me tell you, those letters are pure comedy gold. Today, I want to share with you some of the funniest letters to Santa that I managed to find on the internet. Get ready to laugh your socks off!

I Want a Dinosaur!

Letter to Santa This little boy or girl really knows what they want for Christmas - a dinosaur! Can you imagine Santa’s face when he reads this letter? I can just picture him scratching his head, wondering where on earth he’s going to find a live dinosaur. But hey, who knows? Maybe Santa has connections in the Jurassic Park!

Dear Santa, I’ve Been Extra Good

Letter to Santa This kid is really playing on Santa’s soft spot. They start off their letter by saying how good they’ve been this year. You can almost hear the little angelic voice saying, “Santa, I’ve been EXTRA good.” It’s like they’re practically begging for that extra special present. Well played, kid!

Dear Santa, I Promise to Eat My Veggies

Letter to Santa This letter takes the cake when it comes to negotiation skills. The sender promises to eat their veggies if Santa brings them the desired presents. It’s a win-win situation! Who knew that carrots and broccoli could be used as bargaining chips? Santa must be quite the negotiator himself!

From: Your Biggest Fan

Letter to Santa This letter is simply adorable. The sender starts off by addressing Santa as their “biggest fan.” Talk about a compliment! And then, they go on to explain how they’ve been trying their best to be good all year. Santa must feel like a total rockstar knowing he has such a big fan out there!

Dear Santa, I’ll Take Anything

Letter to Santa This little one may not have a specific request, but their letter is nonetheless entertaining. They start off by saying that they’ll take anything Santa brings them. I can just imagine Santa chuckling to himself and thinking, “Challenge accepted!” This kid is in for a surprise!

Santa, Can I Have a Unicorn?

Letter to Santa Ah, the classic unicorn request. This letter is as magical as it gets. The sender politely asks Santa for a unicorn, making sure to mention that they’ll take good care of it. I can already imagine the look of pure joy on this kid’s face if Santa actually delivers a unicorn. That would be one legendary Christmas!

Dear Santa, I’ve Been Really Good at Being Naughty

Letter to Santa Now this is some next-level mischief! This sender admits to being good at being naughty. I’m sure Santa had a good chuckle reading this one. It’s like they’re saying, “Santa, I know I’m mischievous, but I embrace it!” How can Santa resist such honesty and self-awareness?

Dear Santa, I Know You’re Watching Me

Letter to Santa This letter takes the concept of Santa’s surveillance to a whole new level. The sender acknowledges that Santa is always watching them, even when they’re sleeping. I don’t know about you, but that gives me some serious Big Brother vibes. It’s like they’re saying, “Santa, I know you’ve got your eyes on me, so I better behave!” Talk about pressure!

Dear Santa, I Have a Long List

Letter to Santa Brace yourselves, folks. This kid has a LONG list of presents they want from Santa. And I mean really long. It’s like they’re listing every single thing they’ve ever wanted in their entire life. Santa must have needed a glass of milk and a cookie (or ten) to make it through this letter. I hope his sleigh can handle all those gifts!

From: Your New BFF

Letter to Santa Last but not least, we have this adorable letter from someone who wants to be Santa’s BFF. They even offer to leave out snacks for him! Santa must feel pretty special receiving a letter like this. Who wouldn’t want to be friends with the one and only Santa Claus? I think we all secretly do!

And there you have it, folks - some of the funniest letters to Santa that I came across. I hope they brought a smile to your face and reminded you of the innocence and joy that Christmas brings. So, next time you sit down to write your own letter to Santa, remember to add a dash of humor and a sprinkle of creativity. Who knows, maybe you’ll make Santa Claus himself laugh out loud!